Rabu, 04 November 2009

Alat musik-Piano


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Boesendorfer grand piano

Boesendorfer grand piano

Alat musik papan kunci
Klasifikasi Hornbostel-Sachs 314.122-4-8
(Simple chordophone with keyboard sounded by hammers)
Pencipta Bartolomeo Cristofori
Dikembangkan Awal Abad ke-18
Rentangan permainan
Range of piano.JPG

Piano adalah alat musik yang dimainkan dengan jari-jemari tangan. Pemain piano disebut pianis.

Pada saat awal-awal diciptakan, suara piano tidak sekeras piano abad XX-an, seperti piano yang dibuat oleh Bartolomeo Cristofori (16551731) buatan 1720. Pasalnya, tegangan senar piano kala itu tidak sekuat sekarang. Kini piano itu dipajang di Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York.

Meskipun siapa penemu pertama piano, yang awalnya dijuluki gravecembalo col piano e forte (harpsichord dengan papan tuts lembut dan bersuara keras), masih menjadi perdebatan, banyak orang mengakui, Bartolomeo Cristofori sebagai penciptanya. Piano juga bukan alat musik pertama yang menggunakan papan tuts dan bekerja dengan dipukul. Alat musik berprinsip kerja mirip piano telah ada sejak 1440.

Piano sendiri lahir dari keinginan untuk menggabungkan keindahan nada clavichord dengan kekuatan harpsichord. Hasrat itu mendorong Marius dari Paris (1716), Schroter dari Saxony (1717), dan Christofori (1720) dari Padua, Italia, untuk membuat piano. Namun, hasil utuh dan lengkap cuma ditunjukkan Bartolomeo Christofori. Dari piano ciptaan pemelihara harpsichord dan spinet (harpsichord kecil) di Istana Florentine - kediaman Pangeran Ferdinand de’Medici - inilah piano modern berakar.

Pada pertengahan abad XVII piano dibuat dengan beberapa bentuk. Awalnya, ada yang dibuat mirip desain harpsichord, dengan dawai menjulang. Piano menjadi lebih rendah setelah John Isaac Hawkins memodifikasi letaknya menjadi sejajar lantai. Lalu, dengan munculnya tuntutan instrumen musik lebih ringan, tidak mahal, dan dengan sentuhan lebih ringan, para pembuat piano Jerman menjawabnya dengan piano persegi. Sampai 1860 piano persegi ini mendominasi penggunaan piano di rumah.

Rangka untuk senar piano pertama menggunakan rangka kayu dan hanya dapat menahan tegangan ringan dari senar. Akibatnya, ketika pada abad XIX dibangun gedung-gedung konser berukuran besar, suara piano tadi kurang memadai. Maka, mulailah dibuat piano dengan rangka besi. Sekitar tahun 1800 Joseph Smith dari Inggris membuat suatu piano dengan rangka logam seluruhnya. Piano hasil inovasinya mampu menahan tegangan senar sangat kuat, sehingga suara yang dihasilkan pun lebih keras. Sekitar 1820, banyak pembuat menggunakan potongan logam untuk bagian piano lainnya. Pada 1822, Erard bersaudara mematenkan double escapement action, yang merupakan temuan tersohor dari yang pernah ada berkaitan dengan cara kerja piano.

Dalam perkembangannya, sebelum memiliki 88 tuts seperti sekarang, piano memiliki lima oktaf dan 62 tuts. Ia juga dilengkapi dengan pedal. Semula pedal itu digerakkan dengan lutut. Namun, kemudian pedal kaki yang diperkenalkan di Inggris menjadi populer hingga sekarang.

Sejumlah pengembangan berlanjut pada abad XIX dan XX. Tegangan senar, yangg semula ditetapkan 16 ton pada tahun 1862, bertambah menjadi 30 ton pada piano modern. Hasilnya adalah sebuah piano dengan kemampuan menghasilkan nada yang tidak pernah dibayangkan Frederic Chopin, Ludwig van Beethoven, dan bahkan Franz Liszt.

Notasi piano

Sebuah perkembangan nyata di abad XX (berawal di tahun 1930-an) adalah kehadiran piano elektronik (atau piano listrik), yang didasarkan pada teknologi elektroakustik atau metode digital. Nada suaranya terdengar melalui sebuah amplifier dan loudspeaker.

Dari sisi mutu suara, piano elektronik nyaris tak ada bedanya dengan piano biasa. Perbedaan terletak pada berbagai fitur yang melengkapinya. Fitur itu tentu tidak ada sama sekali dalam piano biasa. Misalnya, bisa dihubungkan dengan perangkat MIDI, komputer, alat rekam; memiliki pengatur volume, tusuk kontak

Upright Piano

Piano - (The name piano is actually short for pianoforte, which in Italian means "soft-loud"). A musical instrument, a piano variation with the strings in a vertical position, designed in 1811. At first, pianos had a wooden frame and linear arrangement of the strings. Later on, the frame was replaced by cast iron alloy and cross arrangement of the strings.


Piano specifications

1. 7 i 1/4 Octaves

2. Height 106 cm

3. Width 145 cm

4. Depth 55 cm

5. Net weight 170 kg

6. Gross weight 275 kg

7. Volume of the cabinet 1.93 m3

8. Mahogany or walnut veneer, painted or natural, high luster polish or mat. The piano on slippers, rollers or legs.

* m106

Pianos may be divided into components:

- Cabinet

- Framing

- Soundboard

- Keyboard

- Sonorous board

- Urządzenie pedałowe

- Piano mechanism



1. Top cover

2. Top door

3. Root

4. Keyboard cover

5. Keyboard cover panel

6. Pad

7. Lock panel

8. Button panel

9. Decorative plate

10. Bottom door

11. Side

12. Leg

13. Pedal panel

14. Foot

15. Bottom

16. Music stand

17. Keyboard table

18. Roller



1. Upper sill

2. Lower sill

3. Side sill

4. Middle sill

5. Handle

6. Tuning device

7. Tuning device panel

8. Violin panel

9. Diametral panel

10. Bass panel

11. Corner panel

12. Corner board

Soundboard device

Soundboard device

1. Soundboard

2. Rib

3. Violin bridge

4. Bass bridge

5. Rosette

6. Violin bridge-reinforcement panel


Digital Pianos: Tips for Buying Digital Pianos and Keyboards
Posted by: Ismael D. Tabije
Digital Piano

Buying Digital Pianos and Keyboards ?

Buying a digital piano could be a very delicate attempt, especially if you have no idea about pianos in the first place. This article is written to help you out how to choose the best digital piano. For starters, digital piano is different from an acoustic piano in many ways. A digital piano is a copy of what the acoustic or original piano is. However, instead of strings and hammers, it uses digitally sampled sounds, amplifiers and speakers. It was made to imitate the real sound of that of the original piano. Many people now prefer digital pianos. It is because of its portability, low-to-almost non-maintenance, volume adjuster and various voices.

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Piano Lessons: How to Gently Extend the Practice Session for Beginners
Posted by: Cynthia VanLandingha
Piano Lessons

How to Gently Extend the Practice Session for Beginners

Parents are often disappointed in the length of time their children spend at the piano practicing. Most parents think their children should be practicing longer, and theyre probably right. What parents don't usually get, however, is that for young beginners it takes practice to learn to how practice! To overcome this learning gap parents initially need to focus on process and content rather than product.Since everything is new to young children, its a mistake for parents to assume too much.

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Digital Pianos: Buy a Digital Piano or an Upright Piano?
Posted by: Henry Howard
Digital Piano

Should I Buy a Digital Piano or an Upright Piano ?

Digital pianos sound nothing like a real piano. Upright pianos take up too much room. There is a lot of conflicting advice floating around. I will give you the right piano buying advice so you can make your own decision on whether the digital piano or the upright piano is right for your needs. Digital pianos were invented about 20 years ago and when they where first introduced they were pretty terrible, the keys were much too light, spongy and nothing like a real piano. The sound was incredibly bright and the sampling was quite dreadful. You couldn't really say that it sounded much like a piano at all.

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Digital Pianos: Digital Pianos - Are They Right for You?
Posted by: Edward Weiss
Digital Piano

Digital Pianos

Many families are now purchasing digital pianos to learn on. And why not? They're relatively inexpensive, take up very little space, and produce high quality grand piano sound. But there are certain drawbacks to owning one. For example, it's a good idea to play an acoustic instrument before trying a digital one. Why? Because no matter how well the piano sound is sampled, it will never match the pure acoustic sound and richness of a "live" piano. This factor is very important to some because they want to experience that organic sensibility only a true acoustic can give them.

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Piano Compositions: It Is Easy To Compose Piano Sheet Music
Posted by: Peter Edvinsson
Piano Composition

Why is it easy to compose piano music?

Because you have to start from where you are. This should be fairly easy; Otherwise you have not started from where you are. A suggestion is to start writing piano pieces for beginners in a progressive order. The idea is that as the pieces get more complicated for the player they will also become more complicated for you to notate and compose and you will subsequently learn as you write.

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Piano Compositions: Piano Composition - You Can Do It!
Posted by: Cynthia VanLandingha
Piano Composition

Piano Composition - You Can Do It!

Have a child in piano lessons who wants to compose their own songs, but is having trouble getting started. Does he or she try to make up their own melodies on the piano ? Piano Students often think they have to be Beethoven or Mozart to compose their own pieces. It's not true. Here are five tips to help piano students begin to compose their own songs. Share it with your piano student at home. Or maybe you'd like to try your own hand at composition.

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Piano Lessons: How Parents Can Support their Child's Piano Teacher
Posted by: Cynthia VanLandingha
Piano Lessons

How Parents Can Support their Childs Piano Teacher

Parents can play an important role supporting their childs piano lessons and their piano teacher. However, about a third of parents do too much and try to take over responsibility for their childs progress, which hinders their childs ability to develop positive learning skills on their own. In contrast, about a third of parents dont do enough, and fail to support and can get in the way of their child's learning. The remaining 1/3 gets it right.

Take the survey below to find out which group you fall into.

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Beginner Piano Lessons: Beginners Piano Lessons Should be Exciting
Posted by: Edward Weiss
Beginners Piano Lessons

Beginners Piano Lessons Should be Exciting

What is it that a beginner at the piano wants to do? They want to make music! It might be classical, jazz, or something else, but one thing's for sure; they don't want to spend months studying boring theory.
What if instead of studying note reading, beginners piano lessons were focused on the student actually learning how to create music? Just imagine the excitement when the notes and chords played are all original and express what is actually being felt.

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Beginner Piano Lessons: Make Time in Your Child's Schedule for Piano Lessons
Posted by: Cynthia VanLandingha
Beginners Piano Lessons

Make Time in Your Child's Schedule for Piano Lessons

There is no better time than the New Year to begin piano lessons. If you have been thinking of enrolling your child in piano lessons, don`t wait because piano lessons are so valuable for children. Parents know this, but a common excuse given is "We are so busy, how will we find the time?" The truth is that all human activity is goal driven, but we don`t all focus on goals that will bring us the most benefit over the long term. To do this we need to manage our time, but the catch is that managing our time is really a function of goals and perspective. This is not a chicken or the egg question, however, because achievement has a history - a definite beginning and a process of follow-through.

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Here you will find pictures of various original parts of pianos and fortepianos just to look at - or to help you with your restoration.
These pictures serve to shed light on both the history of the piano action as well as the instrument itself.

The categorization:
-- alphabeth -> builder -> fabrication number
-- the country or city where the instrument was built, collector, the institution or the owner.

Other Folders
'Mechanical Pianos'
'Unsigned Instruments'

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